One-staple Collage Sort of Day

The sequence that led me to this moment:

I got fully back online, after 16 months hiatus with only public internet.

I bought a new iPad (again, a really long break when I was unable to make this kind of ‘in the moment’ post). I stopped posting completely. Now that I can, I think I will. At least it will prise me off my favourite game for a while. (The joys of retirement 😉.)

I started viewing Daisy Yellow Art’s Instagram posts again ( and resubscribed to her newsletter. She has been a great inspiration and motivation to my journaling for many years. More than any other artist who regularly posts online, her output and her encouraging words break down the barriers to creativity and give permission to create without self judgement. I remembered her ‘one staple collage’ technique and used it today to break through a creative block. Here is a link, with a beautiful collage she made this way: . Mine is very simple by comparison but it was an effective way for me to process two mindsets that were conflicting and causing me to almost stall.

Here I am then, posting a private moment with a public persona. I feel vulnerable and exposed but I also feel free and expressive.

Here is my page:

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